En algun momento tuve la inocente creencia de que algun dia el bien aplastaria al mal, y cuando eso sucediera vendria la paz eterna... Peeero luego descubri que la relacion entre el bien y el mal ha sido, es y sera eterna. Son necesarias una para la otra.
Como un alma valiente puede medirse, probarse, caerse y superarse a si misma si no es confrontada por los mas grandes males? Y de ahi nacio mi primera regla: "El valor del Villano es inversamente proporcional y exponencial al del Heroe".
Es decir, el tamanio del guerrero se medira en relacion al malvado que enfrente... Preparate!
Once I had the inocent belief: that one day Good will crush Evil, and when that happend then Eternal Peace would come... Buuut then I discover that relationship between Good and Evil has been, is and will be eternal. They're necessary for each other. How can a brave soul be measure, proved, fallen and reborn if it is not confronted against the worse evil? Then, one of my principles were born: "A heroe's value will be in inverse proportion and exponentially to villain's measure".
"The greater the villain the greatest the heroe"...
On guard!
(Lo siento por los no acentos-sigo sin encontrarlos! ja/I hope my english is not that bad! ja!)
Como un alma valiente puede medirse, probarse, caerse y superarse a si misma si no es confrontada por los mas grandes males? Y de ahi nacio mi primera regla: "El valor del Villano es inversamente proporcional y exponencial al del Heroe".
Es decir, el tamanio del guerrero se medira en relacion al malvado que enfrente... Preparate!
Once I had the inocent belief: that one day Good will crush Evil, and when that happend then Eternal Peace would come... Buuut then I discover that relationship between Good and Evil has been, is and will be eternal. They're necessary for each other. How can a brave soul be measure, proved, fallen and reborn if it is not confronted against the worse evil? Then, one of my principles were born: "A heroe's value will be in inverse proportion and exponentially to villain's measure".
"The greater the villain the greatest the heroe"...
On guard!
(Lo siento por los no acentos-sigo sin encontrarlos! ja/I hope my english is not that bad! ja!)